‘Dedunu Sawiya’ – Sri Lanka’s only LGBTIQ-friendly career space

Owing to Sri Lanka’s legal landscape and social stigmas, the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, and Queer/Questioning (LGBTIQ) community faces discrimination on a daily basis. As such, one of the biggest challenges LGBTIQ individuals face is finding and retaining employment. Research shows that they face higher levels of harassment and discrimination at workplaces and are more likely to be fired …

#PronounsMatter Campaign

Pronouns are how we refer to other people. In Sri Lanka – as in many other parts of the world – pronouns generally indicate gender. Traditionally used pronouns are she/her/hers and he/him/his which indicate gender. These are commonly used by cis gender individuals (those whose sense of personal identity and gender corresponds with the sex assigned to them at birth). …

‘Proud Allies’ Campaign

Allies are some of the most effective and powerful voices of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Questioning/Queer (LGBTIQ) movement. They can be our siblings, our parents, relatives, our friends, teachers, co-workers and so on. However, it is important to understand that not only non-LGBTIQ persons, but also LGBTIQ persons can be an Ally for their fellow community members. …

Diversity & Inclusion in the workplace – our right!

Are you a Sri Lankan LGBTIQ person, who is employed/ has been employed in Sri Lanka? If yes, you can help us by taking this survey! EQUAL GROUND is conducting a pilot research study on LGBTIQ experiences in the workplace. Our goal is to make employment environments in Sri Lanka safer and more LGBTIQ-friendly and make a strong case for diversity and inclusion in workplaces. …

EQUAL GROUND Voices Concerns over Forced Anal/Vaginal Examinations on LGBTIQ Community in Sri Lanka

In the recent past, EQUAL GROUND (EG) has repeatedly raised concerns about Sri Lankan Judicial Medical Officers (JMOs) conducting forced anal and vaginal penetration examinations on the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, and Queer/Questioning (LGBTIQ) community, upon their arrests, to prove their “homosexuality.” The Sri Lanka police uses Sections 365 and 365A of the Penal Code, which criminalises “carnal intercourse …

Let’s Talk on Social Media

2020 has been a rough year all around and with strict social distancing measures in place, EQUAL GROUND had to get imaginative with Colombo PRIDE celebrations this year. For the first time in our 16 year history, Colombo PRIDE went virtual! Many components of Colombo PRIDE, such as the Rainbow Music and Dance Festival and the Abhimani Film Festival, were …

Rainbow Music & Dance Festival (Virtual Edition) for Colombo PRIDE 2020

EQUAL GROUND and Colombo PRIDE 2020 (the virtual Edition) are happy to announce the winners of the Stand Out in PRIDE – Music and Dance Video Competition. 28 entries from very talented performers were submitted for consideration. Winner Dancing Category Cash Prize of Rs 20,000/= Among the 07 entries received for the Dancing category, the judges picked the Entry by …

Stand Out in PRIDE!

The Winner!

Photo Competition After much deliberation we have found the winners! The Judge’s Choice Award The 4 Judges for the competition, Nimmi Harasgama (Award Winning Actress), Ameena Hussein (Author and Publisher), Kesara Ratnavibushana (Photographer) and Rosanna Flamer-Caldera (Executive Director of EQUAL GROUND) had this to say about the winning choice – Picture number 54 submitted by Habisha from Batticaloa. Nimmi Harasgama …

Stand Out in PRIDE! ​​​​​​​

Photo Competition Be creative! We’re looking for the most creative photo, either a photo of yourself or a photo that depicts you and your friends or family and/or pets that have stuck with you throughout lockdown- rainbow colours a must! Be flamboyant with your masks and other paraphernalia- faces need not be shown! Terms & Conditions 10 shortlisted entries will …